Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Cyberbullying / Should Schools have to let Parents Know?

A recent article in the San Jose Mercury News, states that, "Fifteen percent of teens using social media...reported they have been targets of online cruelty in the past 12 months; and 88 percent had seen it."  Too often we are seeing headlines about teens who have been literally, driven to the despair, by cruel and senseless cyberbullying.  The article goes on to state that "Although a new state law requires schools to investigate victims' complaints, it doesn't require informing parents or the authorities, as they must for certain kinds of abuse."  Should the schools be held more accountable?  Should this topic become part of the curriculum, as it has in the Santa Clara Unified School District which has made digital citizenship part of their technology education graduation requirement?

Follow this link to read the entire article on this very important topic:  Schools, parents struggle with rise in Cyberbullying

Tips and resources for parents:   Common Sense Media - Tips and Resources

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