Monday, November 4, 2013

Stress Workshop for Parents of Teens - 11/6

Parents - please mark your calendars for an excellent workshop sponsored by Homestead High School. You will have an opportunity to meet one of the guidance counselors (Ms. Ogawa-Boon),  and our new school psychologist, Athena Gibbs.

Come and learn to help your student manage stress!

Stress Workshop for Parents of Teens

Wednesday, November 6th - 5:45pm - 6:45 p.m. (preceding PTSA meeting)
Homestead High School Library

Student stress will be the focus of this 1-hour workshop led by a Homestead Guidance Counselor and School Psychologist.  
Topics to be covered:
  •   Current statistics on teen depression 
  •   Common sources of stress in teens, including academic pressure, family conflict,    and peer issues
  •   Determine the level of stress your student is experiencing
  •   Identify the warning signs of stress in teens
  •   Techniques and strategies to help manage stress

                      Students welcome!

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