Monday, May 27, 2013

Impact Teen Drivers - Be a Thumbody!

Hi Friends of Impact Teen Drivers,
Please join us and Be Thumbody!
To kick off a safe summer driving season, Impact Teen Drivers is launching our 2nd annual Be Thumbody campaign. We invite you, our partners, friends and family to change your social media profile picture to encourage your friends to 'Be Thumbody' and not text and drive. 
It's a fun and creative way to share your commitment, and it's just for 2 weeks: May 27th to June 7th, 2013.
Reckless and distracted driving is the number one killer of teens in America, and Impact Teen Drivers has been working tirelessly to change the culture, attitudes and behavior of teen drivers and we need your help.
Simply take these steps:
1.       Draw a face on your thumb (BE CREATIVE!)
2.       Snap a picture with your phone, camera or webcam
3.       Make it your profile picture on Twitter / Facebook or other social media site
4.       Encourage your friends to visit and do the same!
5.       Like us on Facebook and encourage your friends as well:
6.       Follow us on Twitter: @whatslethal
Please pass it on! Forward this email to those in your network, print out and distribute or email the attached PDF and get others involved.
Together we can end this epidemic of teen crashes and fatalities through education, awareness and the simple reminder that by driving distraction free we can all Be Thumbody!

Kelly K Browning, Ph.D.
Executive Director
2030 V Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
(916) 733-7432 Phone
(916) 457-3398 FAX
Remember Driving Distraction Free is a Choice!

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