Tuesday, October 23, 2012

State Senator Joe Simitian and Assemblyman Rich Gordon invite you to attend an

Education Update (x2!)
Join the discussion moderated by Palo Alto Weekly Reporter Chris Kenrick
about school funding, current K-12 legislation
and education issues that concern you

Saturday, November 17
10:00 am - 12 noon

Palo Alto Unified School District Board Room
25 Churchill Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94306

Please register at www.senatorsimitian.com or by calling (650) 688-6384(408) 277-9460 or (831) 425-0401

Rose Filicetti, Executive Director
Santa Clara County School Boards Association
1290 Ridder Park Drive, MC 202 | San Jose, CA  95131-2304
(831) 854-2010 Office@Home | (650) 906-3508 Cell | (831) 621-4010 Fax
execdirector@sccsba.org | www.sccoe.org/sccsba | Follow on Facebook: SCCSBA

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